Collection: Carpet Freshener

Shake it, leave it, hoover it! Scent and Vac with our highly fragranced carpet freshener

Our very own handmade carpet freshener is a must to freshen up your carpets it. Simply shake over your carpet, don't forget to remove children and pets first! Now leave for about 20-30 minutes. It is time to hoover it up, you are left with an amazing aroma.

Not only can you use our carpet freshener on carpets, you can use it on soft furnishings, mattresses and in your car.

Available in 100g and 500g shaker tubs. 100g, 500g and 1kg refill pouches. 

🧡The important stuff - Always do a small patch test first. Do Not Use on cot mattresses. Take care of your hoover, empty contents of your cylinder or bag and always clean the filter, this is to ensure you don't get a build up of the dust particles from the carpet freshener. Finally always read the label when you receive your carpet freshener. 

We have a selection of scents available but if you don't see a scent you would like then get in touch and we will let you know if we have it in stock or if we need to order it in. We do not recommend any scents that have a  vanilla content as it can sometimes stain. 

*WHERE APPLICABLE               Please note the scent simply smells similar to the aftershave/perfume or other products. Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and/or designers. These versions are NOT to be confused with the originals and Every Little Scent has no affiliation with the manufacturer/designer. Our description is to give the customer an idea of scent character, not to mislead, confuse the customer or infringe on the manufacturers/ designers name and valuable trademark. The name of any ‘similar in scent’ product sold by Every Little Scent is purely to give the customer an idea of fragrance character.